TelHoc provides BorregoDB, a distributed encrypted database. Use it for Secure Data Services. Anywhere.
TelHoc provides a complete range of secure data services through the TelHoc Borrego Service.
TelHoc Borrego provides you with a wide set of integrated services. In addition, we also provide individual and customized services as needed. Please let us know and we will be happy to assist you.
TelHoc Borrego Data Store.​

Easily store your data securely using TelHoc Borrego, Store any type of data, such as text, document and video files, video, numbers etc and access it in the most optimal way. TelHoc Borrego is a distributed database which can operates as a Content Distribution Network (CDN), but seasmlessy extends beyond the boundaries of the Internet. Access and share your data in your local network, area or nearby devices. You may not have to connect to the Internet to retrieve your data.
TelHoc Borrego Database Services.​

TelHoc Borrego provides a highly secure encrypted and scalable database service.
Your data and meta data is encrypted before it ever leaves your application. Use your own schema and database structure as in popular SQL or NoSQL systems. Access your with JSON NoSQL operations, or performs standard SQL insert and query operations. Access control allow you to insert data for other users, or for your own private access. No one will be able to access your data without explicit credentials. For more details see:
TelHoc Borrego Data Connections.​

TelHoc Borrego allow you to easily connect and communicate with other users or services. Setup a secure connection to another user with a single line of code, or use any supported application. Exchange text, voice or video with users anywhere. Connect to local nearby users efficiently, and without using Internet or local infrastructure when possible. Service available anywhere and everywhere!
TelHoc Borrego API.​

TelHoc provides a very easy to use API for its TelHoc Borrego Services. No configuration needed. Just add our library or connect to the service, and you are ready to build fantastic applications and services. Store data, connect devices or setup user communications with a single line of code. Everything is encrypted and secured. It has never been easier.
Store data and charge your users for content access or traffic volumes, and easily build your commercial application.
Encrypted Database Services.​

For a complete secure Database solution please see our TelHoc Borrego Database Service. TelHoc Borrego provides very easy and seamless migration from your existing legacy database solution, while securing your data. Not ready to jump onto our service yet? No problem, we also provide encryption services for your existing database, and you can continue to use your existing applications without changes, extra hardware or network elements.
Ad hoc and mesh networking solutions.​

Ad hoc networks are network that are created on the fly and automatically by devices coming into range of each other. This allow these devices to communicate even when there is no infrastructure such as a Cellular Network. Securing these networks, and allow for some specialized services to be charged, is difficult because traditional security relies on centralized functionalities that reside in the operator network. TelHoc provide patented services that can operate under these conditions and which can extended to also include tradional network services. The range of an existing solution can thus be extended through TelHoc. Completely new and separate services can also be provided.